CrowdSegment | Skills and Certifications Data

Skills and Certifications Data

Let's Start Closing the Skills Gap

The current workforce is becoming more flexible. You need to assess the value of your employees based on their skills, certifications, and experience.

How much is a skill worth?

When it comes to valuing employees, skills and certifications matter more than job titles. For a growing and flexible workforce, we’ll provide you with the ability to analyze salaries by any number of key combinations.

  • Skills analysis by popularity, relevance, and salary

  • Segment any populations by one or many skills

  • Skills descriptions and links to video courses

  • Skills analysis by industry and job functions

  • Insights on the salary and employment outcomes of certifications

  • Skills and certifications breakdown by company

  • Person level data on skills and certifications

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Download our data dictionary and let us know how we can help.

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